Monday, 30 November 2015

Feedback from Roughcut

Reflection on filming on the 25th November

Overview of todays editing

Toward the end of the lesson we also made a decision that we are going to have the video go from day time to night time so that the video does not look unorganised and has a structure. We also are now thinking of using a filter on the scenes where we flash back to memory's of LamieLDN with her boyfriend. This will differentiate that part of the video to the rest of the scenes showing that that particular scene is not set in the same time frame that the rest of the video is.


editing 25th - Kizoa Online Movie Maker

Monday, 23 November 2015

Aims for the next week

Things we need to film this week:
- The base tracks with the boyfriends at ganary square and south bank 
- Burning scene 
- Establishing shots 

When we plan on filming:
- Mary's wednesday lesson 
- Friday all day 

Working on editing and blogging in the lesson

What techniques in Premiere Pro are used and why?

In Premiere we have used certain effects to alter the music video clips such as slow-mo by extending the rate. We done this by stretching the clips to a certain extend of where all of us in the group decided that it was perfect. We decided to this as many of the music videos we have watched introduce some sort of slow-mo in their music video. We also used motion to zoom into certain section so we could crop out a part of a clip so it would only show half of a clip that we wanted to keep within the work.

Have or will you change the colours on any of the shots?

No we won't change any colour changes or filter within our shots because we wanted to reflect the realistic look as our video is amplification.

Did or do any shots need the brightness or contrast changing? why?

In our previous clips we decided to change the brightness and contrast so that it would appear more well-lit but in the end it still up to our standards of being perfectly bright. On top of this it was also pixelated because of the high amount of brightness and contrast so in the end we didn't go with the clips. Although our new clips are perfectly lit with dedo lights so we didn't need to adjust any brightness or contrast.

What about any text (font styles)?

So we will add a title so they know the name of the song other than that we won't be using any other text. The font style will be helvetica or another typeface that matches to our website/digipaks

What effects or transitions are used/will be used?

We will have fades in and fade out on certain clips so they noticeable within between clips. The only other effects are slow-mo and motion which we explained in the 1st question. 

Did or do you need to change the cut of the video differently to what was originally planned? If so, what did you have to and why?

We decided to change some the cuts and added additional clips so it didn't follow exactly how our storyboard but it had similarities. This was so it replicate the same features as music videos in the music video industry such as slow-mo but as well fast pace cuts to create the quick motion of music videos. 

What is left to do to the cut and how will you do it?

There are only small amount to cut and it will be decided upon groups discussion on what we would like to cut but be same as the storyboard in some aspects. Since its only a rough cut we're deciding to film more later on and add extra video clips.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Fire Burning scene - Residents permission

For the fire burning scene as it was initially going to be filmed at the end of my road however we asked permission from Redbridge Council (Local Council) and they told us we was unable to film there. Instead we will now be using the back of my garden.

 Fire bins create a large flame and a lot of smoke. For this very reason i will be informing neighbors around me about out media coursework and the use of the fire bin.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Changing our idea slightly

This blog is to notify a change in our story line. We will no longer be including the glass smash and argument scene in our video. This is for two reasons:

The first being we filmed all of the glass smashing scenes and the lighting and quality of the film was not great. Below is one of the shots we filmed of the glass being smashed...


The second reason being, we decided to start our filming over again but with a new camera, as the lighting was not coming out as we initially envisaged when pitching our idea.
 Realistically, we do not have enough time to re shoot all of the glass smashing scene with the new camera as it is very time consuming.
Using the shots we already have isn't possible as its with a different camera so the glass smashing shot would look different to the rest of the music video. Also we do not like the shots we already have of this scene.

We have decided to substitute this idea with a short series of fast discontinuous editing showing introducing each base track to the audience.

Another change we will be making due to not having the glass smashing scene is there will only be one guy in the video as it would not make sense to have more than one guy without the dialogue from the glass smashing scene.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Whats been filmed already? Review

So far we have filmed the Kitchen scene and the Granary Square scene. However all the clips that were filmed were quite dark because the camera as well as the lighting appeared much brighter in real life than digitally. In the end we have decided to redo some of the clips again since they didn't come out exactly how we expected it to be. Another reason why we would like to film again is that the clips came out very grainy in the review/editing of the music video. The video is displayed down below to show what has been pointed out.

Decided to reschedule filming times within the upcoming weekends from 14th-18th of November.

Filming Plan for long weekend

Overview of todays editing

Today we viewed and edited the footage that we recorded on wednesday the 4th of november at moniques house. These were the scenes were LamieLDN has an argument with her boyfriend. We had a very sucessful day however we would like to film again and iprove the lighting.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Reflection on blogging health check 2

I am pleased with my blogging feedback where I scored an 18/20 grade A. There is now a clearer brand image to our blog however in order to improve this we need to have more pictures of LAMIELDN as there is not a full sense of her image on the blog. For me to improve my score to 20/20 I will set up a photo shoot for LamieLDN to show her audience her image.

Reflection and needed improvements on filming on the 27th